Pricing Articles

Article archives from the Pricing Pricing Society

Managing Times of “Hybrid-Flation” With Value-Based Pricing

Navigating value-based pricing amid the challenges of hybrid-flation requires a strategic approach. While it may pose difficulties, it is certainly achievable, especially with well-established capabilities. Despite the evolving landscape, the fundamental toolbox and principles remain constant. This paper advocates for heightened preparation and discipline when confronted with requests for price reductions.

By |2024-05-24T15:26:55+00:00May 31, 2024|Pricing Articles, Value Pricing|0 Comments

Adoption of AI-Based Pricing Lags Enthusiasm

In this article, the outcomes of a global AI-based pricing study are summarized: even though the majority of companies acknowledge the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI)-based pricing, actual adoption rates lag behind the enthusiasm. Numerous barriers impede its widespread application, yet for the companies that surmount these obstacles, the benefits are not just theoretical; they’re measurable and impactful. When properly implemented, AI-based pricing yields superior results.

By |2024-05-24T15:39:07+00:00May 31, 2024|Pricing and AI, Pricing Articles|0 Comments

Using Conjoint Analysis to Answer Strategic Questions: Pricing Events

During Wiglaf Pricing's Pricing and Profit Management Winter ’24 Tour, the company asked attendees to fill out a marketing survey. In this article, the author reviews the initial survey results and the conjoint analysis that he conducted to provide deeper insight into the respondents' customer preferences.

By |2024-05-24T15:20:33+00:00April 30, 2024|Pricing Analytics, Pricing Articles, Pricing Research|0 Comments

Accelerating Your Return to Growth

2023 was a tough year for many industries – including tech. However, despite a rocky start to 2024, many companies still expect to return to revenue growth in 2024 according to the results of Simon-Kucher’s 2023 Global Software Study. How? By implementing the four best practices of top-performing companies, which the authors explain in this article.

By |2024-05-24T15:09:31+00:00April 30, 2024|Pricing Articles, Pricing Trends, Recession Pricing|0 Comments

10 Signs You Have a Broken Pricing Process

A pricing strategy and supporting pricing processes are critical for every organization. Managing the pricing process is complex and requires active management of the entire pricing lifecycle. With so many departments, processes, and factors in play, how do you determine if your pricing process is broken? To help you answer this question, the author has compiled the 10 most common symptoms of a broken pricing process discovered from working with some of the largest organizations in the world.

Six Techniques Used for Strategic and Differentiation Analysis

While companies may understand what makes them unique, they frequently neglect to consistently measure and evaluate the evolution of their differentiation strength. Effective competition necessitates constant measurement, management, and improvement of differentiation and advantage, as the author explains.

Strategic Pricing for Better Business Results: A Comprehensive Guide on Pricing Research

Given the swift and unpredictable shifts in the market, companies must possess the agility to adapt and remain competitive. Strategic adjustments in pricing enable companies to proactively respond to these changes, staying ahead of the curve and maximizing profits. This article emphasizes the crucial impact of strategic pricing research on companies' profitability and competitiveness. By aligning prices with customer preferences, businesses can optimize profits, increase market share, and foster customer loyalty, as the author explains.

By |2024-05-24T14:51:04+00:00March 31, 2024|Pricing Articles, Pricing Research|0 Comments

Back to Reality 2.0: Five Recession Busters to Survive the Looming Slow Down

The natural reaction in times of crisis is to increase discounts and to close deals at any cost to keep the lights on. There are things you can do without giving away the farm. Pricing can be a creative and innovative tool to accomplish remarkable success while delivering more value to your customers and prospects, as the author explains.

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