Pricing Ethics

Article archives from the Pricing Pricing Society

Pricing Ethics: Balancing Fairness and Profitability

The topic of ethical pricing is one that challenges companies to balance their economic goals with the need to maintain ethical practices. The struggle to remain profitable while upholding ethical standards is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a comprehensive solution that takes into account the needs of all stakeholders. By embracing innovative solutions that balance profit and principle, companies can ensure that they are able to remain competitive and profitable while maintaining the highest ethical standards, as the author explains.

By |2023-03-29T13:49:11+00:00March 31, 2023|Pricing Articles, Pricing Ethics|0 Comments

Solving the Paradox of Fair Prices

Charging different prices is often fairer than charging everyone the same price. While there are no standard answers to the question of what makes a price fair, business leaders can embrace market transparency, understand what drives the perceptions of fairness in their market, and ensure that they offer prices that customers will perceive as fair. With the right understanding and the right approach, companies can vary prices in ways that mutually benefit themselves and customers, and perhaps society as well, as the author explains.

Corona Virus: Emergency Pricing and Pricing Ethics

The rapid spread of the Coronavirus is causing uncertainty for consumers, suppliers and markets. Consumers decry increased prices in the face of a crisis, but suppliers are working to meet increased demand and prevent scarcity at a more rapid rate. Emergency situations call for emergency pricing responses, but what are the best responses for all concerned? In this article, the author explores the pricing complexity and ethical considerations pricers face in these types of situations.

By |2022-04-12T20:59:13+00:00March 31, 2020|Pandemic Pricing, Pricing Articles, Pricing Ethics|0 Comments

Why Businesses Should Lower Prices During Natural Disasters

Price gouging during times of natural or economic disaster has been a common tactic for bringing demand in line with supply. However, social media has begun to change this trend, as many companies who appear to be taking advantage of demand have been publicly shamed. In this article, the author explores your pricing strategy and how your prices affect customers during their times of need; these are integral components of your company’s brand.

A Legal and Ethical Pricing Challenge in Business Markets

For many pricers, it is easy to under- stand consumer’s end pricing options to gauge the strength of your own pricing strategy and market presence. However, in markets where pricing data is not publicly available, attaining any kind of competitor pricing information becomes a legal and ethical issue. In this article, the author examines challenges for pricers in these markets.

By |2024-03-30T20:56:23+00:00April 30, 2016|Pricing Articles, Pricing Ethics, Pricing Research|0 Comments
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