Promotional Pricing

Article archives from the Pricing Pricing Society

Perfect Your Promotion for Revenue Growth

The current retail environment is demanding and optimizing promotional activities involves a tricky balance. Promotion strategy is a ground where every brand must tread carefully. In this article, the author presents a framework for analyzing past promotions, optimizing your promotions process, and building an approach for success and revenue growth. Although targeted to B2C and retail markets, this article contains insights that can be employed by pricers in multiple industries.

By |2024-06-26T20:15:45+00:00June 28, 2024|Pricing Articles, Promotional Pricing|0 Comments

Promotion Excellence

Jos Eeland is Director at Simon-Kucher & Partners, Amsterdam, and also part of the firm's global Competence Center Consumer & Retail. Franka Reuvers is a Senior Consultant with Simon-Kucher & Partners, Amsterdam, who focuses on focus on marketing and brand strategy, value-based pricing and promotion excellence. Görkem Erdem is a Senior Consultant at Simon-Kucher & Partners, Amsterdam, focusing on value based pricing, promotion strategy and product management. Mark Helder is a Consultant with Simon-Kucher & Partners, Amsterdam, with expertise in portfolio optimization, promotion excellence and value based pricing.

By |2023-10-21T20:05:55+00:00February 28, 2018|Pricing Articles, Promotional Pricing|0 Comments

Buy One Get One Free! Managing Your Promotional Spend

Trade promotions are a huge part of the consumer goods industry, despite the fact that the return on investment is often slim to none (if there is any profit at all). In this article, the author presents simple questions and analyses anyone can ask and execute to make better promotional decisions. Michael Stanisz is a Principal at Revenue Management Labs, where they help companies develop and execute practical solutions to maximize long-term revenue and profitability.

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