Revenue Management

Article archives from the Pricing Pricing Society

Revenue Growth Management: An Introduction to the Flywheel

Revenue Growth Management (RGM) is a critical capability to make holistic business decisions in a time that is characterized by high volatility in costs and demand, with rapidly changing consumer behavior. In this article, the authors present the concept of the RGM Flywheel, an approach that harnesses six primary RGM levers to unlock profitable growth. Although the article focuses on the increasing influence of RGM approaches in consumer goods industries, this article presents pricing strategies and RGM best practices that pricers can apply in multiple industries and markets.

A bigger, bolder vision: How CROs are propelling growth from the C-suite

To navigate constant market changes and come out on top, organizations need to be agile, strategic, and, most importantly, sustainable. Sales and marketing can no longer remain siloed, but instead should be aligned with the common goal of a better customer experience and, therefore, revenue generation. Ultimately, a successful CRO can harmonize these efforts and grow from a small start-up to a thriving, scaled-up enterprise, as the authors explain.

By |2023-08-29T14:04:50+00:00August 31, 2023|Pricing Articles, Revenue Management|0 Comments

How Precision Revenue Growth Management Transforms CPG Promotions

Many consumer-packaged-goods companies are stymied because they do not know how (or think it will be too hard) to make the leap toward much greater transparency on the true impact of promotions. The reality is that getting quick results is feasible. CPG companies are learning that the insights derived from advanced analytics capabilities enhance promotion performance—and the bottom line, as the authors explain.

Can You Protect Your Business and Clients from Cost Shocks?

There has recently been a global surge in the cost of raw materials like metal, granite, and even food. Pandemic-related disruptions, increase in demand, intense supply pressures, trade restrictions, tariffs, increasing labor costs, rising import/export costs, and more are wreaking havoc on pricing in the manufacturing sector. Are there options for pricing or contracting that can protect companies from these sorts of price shocks?

Netflix: Streaming $800M of Price

In this article, the author explores the revenue management case study of Netflix, and presents how the company was able to issue a 17% price increase within 18 months and still grow subscriptions and top line revenues. Marc Carias is Consultant at Revenue Management Labs, a consultancy which helps clients solve problems around Pricing, Discounts, Product and Channel strategies.

By |2024-01-27T21:00:19+00:00March 31, 2017|Pricing Articles, Revenue Management|0 Comments
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