Machine Learning and Quantitative Methods for Intelligence Augmented Pricing – CPA Edition

Instructor: Tim J. Smith, PhD

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Earn 5.0 CPE Credits in Specialized Knowledge

Problem: Managing price differences between transactions and customers requires both management insights and quantitative metrics.

Solution: With machine learning and quantitative methods, this course demonstrates how relevant data-based facts can be developed to drive intelligence augmentation pricing decisions.

CPA Learning Objectives:

  1. Define trade-offs between price variances and volume growths through the volume hurdle developed from various scenario analysis
  2. Optimize prices with elasticity while acknowledging the pitfalls of a machine learning only approach which is best overcome through the symbiotic use of human insight in an intelligence augmented decision approach
  3. At a qualitative level, define the pros and cons of price variances to enable managerial trade-offs
  4. At a quantitative modeling level, demonstrate the economic pros and cons of price variances and discuss the expected shape of the product specific demand curves
  5. Visualize price variances in the four most-useful different plotting techniques
  6. Conduct machine learning using Excel for intelligence augmentation on a sample data set
  7. Identify the three key management tools to constrain price variances towards profitable customer relationships

Additional Information:

  • No prerequisite knowledge is required to be successful in this course.
  • No advanced preparation is required.
  • Program Level: Basic
  • Delivery Method: QAS Self Study

Professional Pricing Society is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have the final authority in the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit.  Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

Refunds and Cancellations: Refunds are not available, but if the learner is within the first 25% of their course they can choose to transfer enrollment to another offering. For complaints or concerns, please contact our offices at 770-509-9933.

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