Advanced Change Management

Instructors: Andreas Hinterhuber and Stephan Liozu

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Customers do not judge prices in absolute terms, they evaluate prices in relation to a series of factors which pricing managers can influence. In this webinar we will show how pricing professionals can use an understanding of B2B and B2C customer psychology in order to influence perceptions of value and price. We will look at best practice examples of price framing, price communication, product-line pricing, 9-endings, price structure, price differentiation, price formats and other tactics. We will also illustrate how ambiguity of pricing information influences decision making processes within firms.

Participants in this webinar will gain clear insights on how to communicate price and value – including examples on how to communicate price increases – in order to conjointly increase profitability and customer satisfaction.

Company case studies include Ardex, Xerox, The Economist, GE, Louis Vuitton, McDonald’s, Unilever and other case studies from B2C and B2C industries.

The Professional Pricing Society is the leading worldwide pricing idea marketplace where new and seasoned business professionals from all industries come together for learning, training, and networking while gaining actionable insights, new and refined skillsets, and earning pricing credentials.

Elevate your value by joining our global pricing membership and starting your pricing certification.

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