price segmentation

Article archives from the Pricing Pricing Society

Capturing More Value with Price Segmentation

A certain product or service is only worth what a buyer is willing to pay for it. And their willingness to pay is based largely on how they perceive the value of the seller’s product, service or solution. However, different customers perceive value differently. Therefore, their willingness to pay is also different. In this article, the author explains how B2B companies can price according to different customers’ willingness to pay levels to capture the maximum amount of revenue for each deal or transaction.

By |2022-05-14T16:50:01+00:00September 30, 2019|Price Segmentation, Pricing Articles|0 Comments

Empower B2B Segmentation to Improve Pricing Performance

The effective execution of well-designed, profitable segmentation is a primary goal for every pricer. Pricing and business leaders seeking to implement effective segmented pricing need to be able to determine if their segmentation strategies are well designed and being well executed. In this article, the author explores best practices for designing, developing and implementing profitable segmentation strategies.

By |2023-09-28T16:18:52+00:00December 31, 2018|B2B Pricing, Price Segmentation, Pricing Articles|0 Comments

A Segment of One: Fixed vs. Variable Pricing

In this article, the author explores various methods of price segmentation, and the pros and cons of each. As he explains, tailoring price according to willingness to pay is theoretically sound but culturally still questionable. Segmentation according to value and cost-to-serve is more likely to be seen as fair and acceptable, but there is no hard and fast rule. The promise of better earnings and more customers is high, but so is the peril of customer alienation and backlash.

By |2023-11-05T17:06:02+00:00November 30, 2018|Pricing Articles, Pricing Strategy|0 Comments
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