pricing books

Article archives from the Pricing Pricing Society

Excerpt from “Digital Pricing: A Guide to Strategic Pricing for the Digital Economy“

This article is an excerpt from the author‘s successful pricing book - "Digital Pricing: A Guide to Strategic Pricing for the Digital Economy“ – the second edition of which has recently been released in English and is now available for purchase. The excerpt focuses on how digitization influences all aspects of price management, enabling new business models, additional revenue streams, greater integration of customers into business processes, innovative price models, and more.

Excerpt from “Many Worlds, One Life”

Hermann Simon, Founder and Honorary Chairman of Simon-Kucher & Partners, recently released his autobiography: “Many Worlds, One Life.” The book describes Dr. Simon‘s journey through many worlds, including how pricing became his vocation, how he built the global market leader Simon-Kucher, and how became fascinated by the Hidden Champions.

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