Value Pricing and Marketing

Instructor: Joanne Smith

If you would like to enroll in this course, please click here to purchase this course individually, click here to purchase the CPP bundle, or click here to purchase the CPE bundle.

This course focuses on creating a practical, actionable plan to take your companies pricing performance from good to great; a challenge so many companies face. Achieving superior pricing goes well beyond the price setting and analysis typically done by the pricing organization. It requires a supportive company culture with a passion and urgency for pricing and profit enhancement, strong price execution motivation and skills throughout sales, the right pricing organization/structure, as well as the right pricing processes and systems.  This critical part of a company’s pricing transformation is often over looked or under invested in.  Pricing leaders need to expand their role to include driving this broader transformation.

The course is designed to help participants identify gaps in their pricing change management efforts and offers practical approaches, solutions and action plans in the following key areas:

  • Vision, Culture & Leadership Buy-in –Best practices for driving commitment for change among key stakeholders
  • Pricing Organization Effectiveness – Guidelines for building the right pricing team including roles, responsibilities and competency needs
  • Sales and Marketing – Approaches for achieving pricing excellence in sales including skills and compensation that drive the right behaviors
  • Process and Systems – Practical guidance for process selection and overall system readiness
  • Pricing Skills – Overview of the talent, competencies and training that are required for successful change
  • Pricing Skills & Projects – Project approaches for effectively managing the three levels of pricing.

The Professional Pricing Society is the leading worldwide pricing idea marketplace where new and seasoned business professionals from all industries come together for learning, training, and networking while gaining actionable insights, new and refined skillsets, and earning pricing credentials.

Elevate your value by joining our global pricing membership and starting your pricing certification.

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